Tree is a simple and unique utility. It sticks to the Unix motto of doing one thing and doing it well. As stated in the info page, it list contents of directories in a tree-like format
If you're a visual kind of person, this utility is very useful at times. I use it when I have to replicate applications, or mirror the structure of a directory somewhere else.
You can specify the how deep tree will go when you call it. Here are two examples. one with 2 levels and one with 5 levels. All done from the tftboot directory on my kickstart box.
[root@netboot-system-og tftpboot]# tree -L 2
|-- images
| |-- centos
| |-- live
| |-- oralce
| |-- ubuntu
| `-- windows
|-- menu.c32
|-- pxelinux.0
`-- pxelinux.cfg
|-- default
|-- default.bak
|-- default.ubuntu.904.64
`-- default.working.applianceks
7 directories, 6 files
[root@netboot-system-og tftpboot]# tree -L 5
|-- images
| |-- centos
| | |-- x86
| | | `-- 4.4
| | | |-- initrd.3ware.img
| | | |-- initrd.base.img
| | | |-- initrd.img
| | | |-- initrd.img.b4-og-add-8168-drv
| | | |-- initrd.orig
| | | |-- initrd.r8168.img
| | | |-- initrd.r8169.img
| | | `-- vmlinuz
| | `-- x86_64
| | |-- 5.2
| | | |-- initrd.img
| | | `-- vmlinuz
| | `-- 5.3
| | |-- initrd.img
| | `-- vmlinuz
| |-- live
| | `-- clonezilla
| | `-- 1.2.1-53
| | |-- filesystem.squashfs
| | |-- initrd1.img
| | `-- vmlinuz1
| |-- oralce
| | `-- vmserver
| | `-- 2.1.2
| | |-- initrd.img
| | |-- initrd.img.old
| | |-- vmlinuz
| | `-- vmlinuz.old
| |-- ubuntu
| | `-- x86_64
| | `-- 904
| | |-- boot-screens
| | |-- initrd.gz
| | |-- linux
| | |-- pxelinux.0 -> ubuntu-installer/amd64/pxelinux.0
| | |-- pxelinux.cfg -> ubuntu-installer/amd64/pxelinux.cfg
| | |-- ubuntu-installer
| | `--
| `-- windows
| `-- 2003
| `-- std
| |-- W2K3L
| `-- w2k3.0
|-- menu.c32
|-- pxelinux.0
`-- pxelinux.cfg
|-- default
|-- default.bak
|-- default.ubuntu.904.64
`-- default.working.applianceks
23 directories, 32 files
You can see that it is easy to "view" the contents of the directories and get an idea of the structure at a glance.