The Royal + avocado. 10+ for the burger and our server. 2- for the host. Lunch with friendsHome / Opinion and Editorial / The Royal + avocado. 10+ for the burger and our server. 2- for the host. Lunch with friends Opinion and Editorial ByOscar Published on:December 26, 2015December 26, 2015 Updated on:December 26, 2015 Opinion and Editorial Reading Time: 1 minute The Royal + avocado. 10+ for the burger and our server. 2- for the host. Lunch with friends Photo taken at: Red Robin Gourmet Burgers View on Instagram PinBufferShareShareTweetWhatsApp
Screenshot with annotation – Skitch captures, annotates and shares ByOscar Gonzalez Updated onApril 16, 2015 Reading Time: 2 minutes
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