Brian Swichkow and The Art of Manipulation

Last month at Free Lunch Friday OC, we had Brian Swichkow come down from Venice Beach to dish out an awesome talk about the Art of Manipulation. Today I want to invite you to come to this week's Free Lunch Friday where Alex Sewell from Motormood will be presenting. It's going to be another great event; seats are filling up so make sure you RSVP now.

If you missed Brian's talk last month or you want to review it, here is the video.

Free Lunch Friday Talks - Brian Swichkow, The Art of Manipulation

Next month will also be very exciting because we'll have the our second female guest speaker ever for FLFOC. I can't believe how difficult it is to get a woman to speak at this event. If I were to judge the startup and entrepreneur space in Orange County based on this I would think that there are no women innovating or running businesses. I know this isn't the case so where are all the girls!?

So enjoy the talk, and attend this Free Lunch Friday. And if you are someone that would like to speak or know someone that should speak at our event, please use the nominate a speaker form in the website or get in touch with me.



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