A Billionaire from Egypt Wants to Build an Island City for the Refugees

So I found about about this guy that wants to buy an island, turn it into a city and turn the refugees into its citizens and builders.

Sounds like a neat idea doesn't?

If I had that kind of money I would definitely do this. The least I can do is blog about it and give this guy some attention.

Naguib Sawiris is putting the world on notice. While everyone's passing the buck and people are fighting, he's offering a solution.

I think this is a great opportunity for everyone involved. Greece is in debt, sell an island for $50 million, buy yourself a day or so ;).

But then all the refugees can go somewhere and call their own and build it with their own hands. Safety, employment and peace.


Is it a ridiculous idea?

Naguib Sawiris believes it isn't crazy and I agree with him. In two to three years a basic city can be built and the money that other countries can invest in there would be much better spent there than just patching the problem by taking them in.

Video report from CNN:


I'll pay for the island and I'll take care of all the logistics. Just let me do it and sell me the Island , he says.

Video Interview with The Star Online:



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