oust.me badges highlighted foursquare badges

Foursquare is Good for Coupons and Games

Come join me at Oust.me - Oust.me is a game that is layered on top of your foursquare activity. Foursquare itself has a gamification element with the point system and mayorship rewards as well as check-in badges. But this is so meh. I thought the lack of engagement around the gamification system in foursquare would eventually be their demise. I still think that's the case. But you can at least have some fun with it now while it lasts.

Oust.me is a territory conquering game that awards badges and titles based on your conquests. Unlike Foursquare, you take over entire territories and not just single locations.

oust.me badges highlighted foursquare badges
Oust.me badges. Much simpler than Foursquare badges.

Profile shows you basics and your territories
Profile shows you basics and your territories

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