Everybody has a journey, and I'm here to share mine with you. Through blog posts, you'll see how I develop my business. I will show you how to generate income online.
I will share my vision, my goals, my success and my failures. I'll even teach you the tools, systems, process and guide you step by step so you can follow along and also develop your business.
MMy motivation for this journey is to spend more time with my family. For this, I need to spend less time working and make more money at the same time.
Since I wrote this guide, we have a new addition to our family. His name is Oliver, and he's a playful, smart and rebellious little boy that keeps me on my toes. Together, Claire and Oliver drive me to make this work and make this better every single day.
If you want to get free tips, and VIP insights into my journey then make sure you're signed up to my email list. Click here to sign up.
I could make money by working at a regular job, heck I had a job before, probably better than most people, but I quit that to pursue this. Crazy? perhaps.
But I'm after the Dot Com Lifestyle. Some people call it the "Laptop lifestyle" or the "Internet lifestyle." Call it what you will, but that's what I'm after.
My motivation is my wife, my daughter, and my son and the rest of my family. I want to spend more time with them, do more things with them and be able to do whatever we want, whenever we want.
The Online Profits Guide consists of a few steps listed below. The blog posts on the right expand on these concepts and provide insights, tutorials, experiences, success stories and more. These posts can also be found on the blog. The best way to stay on top of these is to subscribe to the mailing list.
I've tried dozens of ways to make a living, and I believe I will continue to experiment until the day I die. I'm an entrepreneur at heart and come from a big family of entrepreneurs.
Entrepreneurship is about finding solutions to problems and developing a legacy around these solutions, at least that's how I see it. In this day and age, the options are endless when it comes to making money and earning a living online.
Some paths are easier than others; some are bound to fail from the get go. But being the technologist that I am, I believe in the internet. I believe in technology and the clear choice to make money today is to do it online.
So as I share with you, my blog posts will become your online profits guide. Learn from me, avoid my mistakes, replicate my success, ask questions.
Listen, study, apply, fail, rinse & repeat.

Making money online isn't all that is hyped out to be. It's not about the cash stacks, fast cars, and fast women; it's not about the bling-bling either. To me, It's about living the Dot Com Lifestyle. The Dot Com Lifestyle means having time, location and financial freedom.
The other stuff is fun, but not important.
Earning a living online requires work, but it's a different kind of work than you are used to. It is fun, challenging but gratifying.
If you are a skeptic, perhaps you'll see how I do things and eventually, you'll believe in yourself too. If you are a naysayer, then this may not be the right place for you to be. You see, by nature, I'm a very positive and outgoing person, hence the moniker Notagrouch.
As far as I'm concerned, there are no problems, only opportunities. So if you're the type of person that continually seeks an excuse or a reason to make excuses then we might not get along. Even worse, you probably won't succeed as an online entrepreneur.
Some people are just positively and absolutely pessimists; there is little hope for them in life. If you have a question about something, ask. But don't deny yourself the opportunity just because you have tried and failed once before, or because someone else told you it doesn't work.
This blog serves many purposes. To help others and to help you is what I want to do. I will share with you my goals, my vision, my success and teach you from my failures. My path will serve you as a way to find, generate and keep income made online.
To learn more about me, head over to my about page. There's more info there if you have some time. But if you want to get started and follow my online profits guide, then read on about my entrepreneur's journey.
There are a few ingredients that are required to succeed as an entrepreneur and in order to make money online.
1. You must have faith.
Now, I'm not talking about blind dumb faith. If you read my 100 things you didn't know about me, you'd know that I am not a man of religious faith. It's fine if you are, but I'm not talking about that kind of faith here.
The faith I'm talking about here is the belief that it can be done. Not because you simply believe it but because there is tangible, rational proof. Having case studies, examples, success stories are just the beginning, they are proof that if you follow certain steps, success is inevitable.
But knowing about these success stories and the methods used to achieve them isn't enough though. You must believe in yourself, in what you are doing and you must believe that you will succeed.
If you don't believe that you can achieve success, how can you ever get there? If you don't believe in what you are doing, then why do it? You have stacked all odds against you when you don't even believe you will succeed. Makes sense doesn't it?
If you don't believe in what you are doing, then why do it? You have stacked all odds against you when you don't even believe you will succeed. Makes sense doesn't it?
Makes sense doesn't it?
This will probably be the hardest thing to do. Changing your mindset. You'll be fighting with your own mind and what you've been taught. You've been taught to think that hard-work, going to work 8 - 5, working your way up the ladder is the only way to advance and achieve financial success. But you can do it another way, it's hard work but it will be up to you to make it work. You must believe.
2. Follow a system.

Why create mediocrity when you can copy genius? Instead of doing things inefficiently, find ways to save time and eliminate effort. Find the things that are already working for others. Why re-invent the wheel?
As you develop your business, you must follow a system otherwise you'll be trading your day job for work that will eventually consume you. The whole point of making money online is that eventually, you can let the system generate income for you without having to be involved as much.
Creating a system can be difficult. It's time-consuming and if you don't have experience developing products, documenting workflows and leveraging resources, the process can be overwhelming and almost impossible.
Start with an established system, find a license, find a mentor, buy a business in a box. This is why people buy a franchises instead of opening up their own restaurant. A huge portion of the work is done for you, and it follows a methodical, proven system that guarantees results.
Whatever you use or create, you must strive for it to work like a machine. The better it works, the more efficient it is, the less maintenance it needs, the more profits you'll see.
3. Establish a strong network of resources.
No man is an island and on your journey to making money online, you'll need resources. People will provide support, mentorship, and special skills that you don't have.
When it comes to people, you must seek to understand before being understood; you must give before you get back. Always remember that and many doors will open for you. Meet as many people as you can and stay in touch with them. You never know when you'll be able to help them or when you'll need their help.
Tools will facilitate the work so you must have a well-defined arsenal of tools that help you get the job done. Things like the right website, the right calendar tool, a reliable computer and smart phone, the proper payment gateway system may seem trivial to some but they are critical to your success.
Many people profess the idea that it's not about the tools, it's about the content or the product. They couldn't be more wrong. Find the right tools for the right job and learn them inside out.
If tools didn't matter, then Formula 1 drivers wouldn't spend $18,000 dollars on a helmet. They'd buy a generic motorcycle helmet from an auto parts store. Peter Jackson wouldn't use $25,000 cameras to shoot movies if the tools didn't matter. But the bottom line is that the tools matter.
4. Take action, fail fast and try again.
You're never going to get it right the first time. Everything you try for the first time is bound to fail and when it doesn't, consider yourself lucky. The key is to stop duck-lining and start taking action. There's a group of people we call the duck liners.
These people are often getting ready to get ready. They pontificate all possible scenarios; they map out a million different outcomes and possible reactions to each one. After they do this, they research, they do recon, they prepare.
When they're done with this, they prepare some more, each question they answer for themselves generates three more questions, and each one starts the cycle again.
Months or even years later, they are still getting ready. They love collecting information and hoarding theories, but they rarely take action.
They also rarely succeed.
Start with the basics, it has been said before, Done is better than perfect so get it done. Take the minimum actionable item and do it; when completed, do the next one, and so on. Get some practice under your belt, and adjust as you go.
The chances are that everything you "learn" and all the research you do won't do a lot of good if you don't apply it right away. This is why the 21 step system is so successful. There are simple 21 steps that guide you on what to do next without worrying about what you don't know.
Keep in mind that I'm not saying to do sloppy work or to jump into the next offer or opportunity without considering your options, but don't dwell on it too much. After you've compared a couple options and you've been guided, mentored or coached towards a specific course of action, take it! Hesitation will kill you and your business.
Keeping the basic philosophies I outlined above in mind, you must have something to sell. A service, a product or a combination of both.
The rest of it is more or less mechanical.
This is where the next few days, weeks and month will reveal. You need these basic things, and I will show you how they work, how to set them up, and how to use them.
- You need a list, an email list and you need to have a reliable email software service to help you with this. I strongly recommend Aweber; you may use others like Getresponse or maybe MailChimp. I have used them all and many of the other popular ones.
- You need a website. We'll do natural SEO placement, no gimmicks, no blackhat, no tricks, pure valuable content that people will read. I strongly recommend WordPress (self-hosted). Not WordPress.com, Not Blogger/Blogspot, Not Tumblr. - If you need help with this, I can set you up for free, just go here to get started. If you prefer to do it yourself, check this out: How to Blog Tutorials.
- Get a landing page service too. A landing page service saves you an incredible amount of time. Yes, you can create them yourself and save yourself a few bucks but I don't recommend that. Get a decent service to do the heavy lifting for you. In this area I recommend LeadPages or ClickFunnels.
- You need a product or service to sell. I will show you your options, I will explain them to you and suggest ones that I've tried and some that are good. For the time being, I can tell you that I use a big collection of websites and tools to help me with this. I use the following to name a few:
- Clickbank - one of the largest marketplaces for information products.
- Youtube - Youtube videos and the youtube community is essential.
- Shareasale - Another great marketplace for affiliate products.
- Commission Junction - A marketplace to find affiliate products by big brands and big companies.
So get started, read my blogposts about making money. Decide to change your life, like I did.
Also remember No tech skills needed to start a business!