19 out of 20 Supercomputers run Linux

I found this article while doing some research. I knew Linux was prevalent in the webserver world. Most of the web servers out in the world run on Linux so I wasn't surprised to see this, but it is still very interesting to know that 19 out of 20 of the world's supercomputers run a variant of Linux.

Linux usage among the top supercomputers
When we list the OS for each of the top 20 supercomputers, the result for Linux is very impressive:
19 of the top 20 supercomputers in the world are running some form of Linux.
That’s 95%! And if you just look at the top 10, ALL of them use Linux. The ratio may change a bit if you look at the complete list (it has 500 entries) but we simply didn’t have time to go through the full list and find out the OS for each computer. However, there can be little doubt that Linux is a dominant OS among the top supercomputers, and most likely across the field. (Update: Linux has an 88.6% share of the top 500 supercomputers.)... the full story is right here The triumph of Linux as a supercomputer OS | Royal Pingdom

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