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Smart and Social, a new group in Orange County.

I have recently started a meetup group. The primary purpose of Smart and Social is to share knowledge via small groups and medium to large sized webinars and seminars. I'll be bringing in experts to provide valuable insights, and I will be running educational series workshops.

We're starting off with small groups, and so far we've had two small meetups. I would like to extend an invitation for you to join. You can find the group called Smart and Social on

Smart and social logoI've done one small webinar already as part of this new group. I used Google Hangouts, and last week I had my first Blogging group meeting. That was an introductory meeting and we've set the schedule for a six week program for the group. We start next thursday and this is an early group. 8:30 am.

I spend a lot of time training people on how to use websites, social media and technology in general. Most of the time I spend time one-on-one with people and although it is very valuable and I enjoy doing it, I think we could use a bit of a collective approach sometimes.

In about two weeks I'll be starting out another group that will meet at later times. If you are not into blogging, maybe you want to learn about social media? or just find some really cool tech meetups? Come join me for free at Smart and Social. And remember, live meetups are in the Orange County area, but you can join the group even if you're not in the area because we'll have virtual meetups using google hangouts, or Ustream or other methods so that anyone in the world can participate.

The plans are to have live and virtual events covering the following:

  • Meetups to showcase or teach you about websites
  • Meetups with WordPress hands-on workshops
  • Guided 6 - 16 week business and technology program
  • Accountability groups

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