Over 100 Things You Didn’t Know About Me
I've been meaning to do this post for a long time, without further ado, edits or further pontification, here it is...
- I was born in Mexico City (D.F.). Some call me a Chilango.
- I came to the US (unwillingly at first) when I was 15. I had visited earlier when I was 12 for a couple weeks.
- I am now a U.S. Citizen.
- I trained in Karate for 2 1/2 or 3 years as a kid. I've had super strong abs ever since.
- I was around 5 or 6 when I learned to ride a bike. My uncle and or cousin made the bicycle from scratch.
- I bought my first domain in 1996 rakxzo.com which I still own. I didn't realize the potential of making money online until ten years later.
- In 2006 I set a "master plan" in motion to be independently wealthy by the time I retire. It's slowly taking shape. It has a way to go.
- I failed at having a net worth of 1 million dollars by age 30. (note: 3/17/2014 This has been corrected and a plan is set in motion to reach it soon)
- My blogging experience began in 2002, it wasn't good or important until 2005 and then again in 2007.
- I made my first website in AOL, then Geocities, then I in 2001, with Frontpage. It was online for about 7 months until I switched ISPs. I learned about hosting my own site quickly after that.
- I am on almost every social network that has ever graced my screen. Provided it isn't junk or spam.
- I have an awesome younger sister. She's my unsuspecting mentor. She blogs at Traveling Mango.
- I first took a breath in this world on August 6. Thirty-five years earlier Hiroshima had been annihilated.
- I don't believe in God. I am spiritual. This is not a contradiction.
- In 2005, I once lost 45 pounds in 3 months, when I got tired of being overweight.
- In Highschool I weighed 140-150 depending on the sport I was playing.
- I've played computer games since I was 2 or 3. Atari was my first console, I also played with Intellivision. I now have a mostly-unused PS3.
- I stopped playing video games a few years ago when I realized my financial goals weren't going to accomplish themselves and I was spending way too much time playing video games
- I've played soccer with a coconut, old juice cans, gallon-sized milk containers, on a dirt field and barefoot. Trust me, nothing beats a soccer ball, socks, and cleats.
- I ran around on Estadio Azteca field once as a kid. Maybe I didn't, I'm not so sure anymore.
- I once devoted 3 - 8 hours a day playing World of Warcraft. I have only memories to account for that time; really good memories.
- I once read: "Fear the man that doesn't fear God." I live that, both as a man that doesn't fear God and I pay attention to who's fearful of God.
- I love beautiful websites. I find them difficult to build.
- I spend 9 - 16 hours a day in front of a computer of some sort. It is my job and passion.
- I have brown eyes.
- Matias y El Pastel de Fresas was my favorite book as a kid; I want my kids to have a copy, but it's out of print.
- I have anarchist tendencies. I question everything and often come across as defiant. I don't care.
- I have visited three countries so far; I intend on visiting every continent.
- I type about 75-90 wpm. I can break 100+ if I practice for 11 days straight.
- For almost a year I ran a few of websites hitting 100-300K PV/month. I made about $46.00 from them. I spent over 1K.
- The education I got from running my own sites was worth more than 1K.
I don't have kids. (update, see #133 and #140)- I learn from doing and practicing; I hone by reading and discussing.
- I don't like politicians.
- I love books.
- By age eight I had been to more museums than most people will visit in a lifetime.
- For three years or so I was part of the youth leadership in a Christian church in the field of apologetics.
- I learned all the reasons to know that God doesn't exist.
- I've read the Bible 3 to 5 times, depending on how you count it, but I've never been able to read Psalms from beginning to end.
- I have visited over 18 of the 31 states in Mexico. I've visited 7 states in the US and 2 major cities in Canada.
- I have never been to a professional Football (NFL/AFL) game.
- I don't think that we give enough credit to our educators.
- I don't think most of our educators are capable.
- I don't believe in victimless crimes. There shouldn't be laws against them; thus they shouldn't be called crimes.
- I believe in doing the right thing above all else.
- I can be persuaded by facts and reason.
- I don't believe in miracles or luck or in the Rapture.
- One of my favorite movies is Stand by Me; another is The Thomas Crown Affair; I have a top 10 list so there's 8 more.
- I'm a good swimmer. I took lessons for 3+ years as a kid.
- I've swum in the open ocean, off a boat, with dolphins, and in rough weather and in dangerous waves; I almost drowned in a pool at age 4.
- I used to experiment with food a lot; my sister and I made scrambled eggs with strawberries one time.
- I'll eat almost anything; I've eaten crickets and ant eggs, in addition to cow's brains, tongue, eyeballs and other parts I do not want to talk about.
- I can't lie; my body betrays me in way too many ways.
- Most "reality TV" isn't real; more importantly, it sucks at entertaining me.
- Among my favorite writers are: Orwell, A. Huxley, Michael Ende, Dean Koontz, Neruda, Garcia Marquez.
- I enjoy watching Man vs. Wild, I prefer Survivorman, I'm getting into Dual Survival now.
- I grew up with books; they have been a constant in my ever-changing life.
- I once had a decent auto-detailing business; before detailing cars was popular. It burned down in a fire; I have worked in corporate
ever since. - I met my wife at the pool; she was my neighbor.
- I fell in love with wine shortly after I fell in love with my Wife.
I've been blogging for years, yet nobody reads my blog. (except for you guys reading this list). I don't care. Edit (2014) This is starting to get traction, so thanks for all of you that keep coming back to read my stuff!- I hate standardized tests; I do well in them.
- If I seem like I question everything, it is because I do. Understanding things is embedded in my DNA and I can't help it; I also know this annoys people and think that's too bad.
- I *also* hate when drivers don't use their signals!
- I am not good at sugarcoating stuff; nor do I want to become good at it.
- I had an iPhone,
am a secret Blackberry fanand currently have an affair with myEVO Android phoneGalaxy S4. - I own a number of computers; some run OS X; some run windows; a few run Linux.
- I believe strongly in symbolism and interconnectedness.
- I like debating, either side of a good argument.
- I enjoy walking my dog, but prefer to ride my bike with him alongside.
- I have a lot of patience. It's bad when I run out of patience; fortunately, only a small handful of people have ever seen that.
- I once owned over 145 domains; I've cut back down to
8660. Only about a dozen are public - I'm always learning more HTML, CSS, and other tools for what I love doing. computer stuff.
- I can usually fix it, or know who/how can do it.
The first Blackberry device, the 850. Something like the grandfather of the iPhone. I had the first Blackberry in late 1999, early 2000. The 850 model, email, AA batteries and 2-way text FTW. Pagers are so 1999! I've had every blackberry model since and up to the Curve when I switched to an iPhone.
- I am not shy or humble; but I should be more of both.
- I'm a Mac and a PC and a Penguin too.
- I'm at home on the command line.
- I use Vi.
- I love to watch the Discovery, History & Science Channels; both the brand named ones and all related to the topics.
- I started cooking meals for others when I was seven.
- I love cooking.
- I love to hear people's amazing life journeys.
- I put two bullies in their place as a kid, by myself. They stopped being bullies.
- My uncle and cousin taught me to fight for myself.
- I feel terrible when we cook crab or lobster at home; if they're alive.
- I love seafood, especially shellfish.
- I was allergic to shellfish; I fought the allergy by eating a shrimp burrito or bowl once a week for over a year until the allergy went away. Rubio's enjoyed having me as a customer for that time.
- I drink 6-12 sodas, 100-200 beers, 12-30 bottles of wine and lots of tea and juice each year, and I try to balance that out with about 2300 pints of water.
- I have looked at an average of 35 websites a day somedays is over 80, this I know since StumbleUpon started counting but the real number is probably much higher. When I tell you "I've seen that already" I'm not just 1-upping you or pissing in your parade, really, I've seen that.
- I paid attention to academics in school. I did sports and read a lot. I am better because of this.
- I am the oldest of two.
- I love watching movies. No, really. I do. I've watched pretty much all three-or-better stared movies on Netflix. (update 2021-06-14, obviously Netflix has grown tremendously since I wrote this list, so this is no longer true. They also removed the ratings altogether).
- My first cat was named Guadalupe. I thought it was the funniest thing. Guadalupe is generally a name associated with a Catholic idol in Mexico and most of Latin America, called "La Virgen de Guadalupe" or "Guadalupe's Virgin". Her nick-name was "Lupita"
- Double ROFL. Our second cat, a kitten we kept from one of Lupita's 2nd litter was named "Lolita", together they were Lupita & Lolita.
- My grandfather died of emphysema; he was a 3-pack a day smoker until my sister was born when he quit; apparently, it was too late. 15 years later it caught up with him. I miss him.
- I am often ahead of my peers and industry when it comes to trends in technology.
- I would rather eat a steak than an ice-cream sundae; every time.
- I am a huge animal lover. I can read animals well.
- I've read the 48 Laws of Power and The Art of War; I believe in many of their teachings.
- I think I like thrift stores and antique shops but I really loathe them.
- I am bilingual; and can properly write in both languages.
- I want to be trilingual.
- I love music, and one day I'll learn how to play at least one instrument.
- As a child, I was afraid of a black gorilla that lurked in dark closets; he disappeared when I was 11 or 12.
- If I never had another piece of chocolate I would not miss it.
- If I could do my life over, I would do it all the same except with more intensity.
- I *also* believe the truth is always enough.
- I am a terrible dancer; I still dance.
- I want to own a supercar, specifically a customized M5, 850i, S6 or S8, a Lotus, or a 12 second Hummer, but any supercar will do.
- I trust and respect everyone I meet, until they break that respect or trust.
- I care very little about what people think of me or what the status quo is.
- I have never been picky about food; it's hard to understand why others are.
- I *also* think most people think of me being argumentative. I think its one of my best traits; most people will disagree. I'm passionate, blunt and I believe in truth and will stand by that. I'd rather be passionate about things than acquiescent.
- I try and do too many things for too many people way too much.
- *Knock* on wood, I've never been driving in an accident. I intend to never have a driving accident while I'm at the wheel.
- I've never played a role-playing game offline; like D&D.
- I can recognize almost anyone I know by a quick glance of their butt or a split-second of looking at their walk. Not sure why or how, I think everyone has a weird ability like that.
- I can read people's intentions easily.
- I get how men wearing a pink dress shirt is trendy; I still won't.
- I am reconsidering the last point after attending one of Joel Bauer's seminars. The pink tie might just be the compromise we're lookin for.
- The closest I ever came to wearing pink is a pink-accented tie during my Vegas wedding; because she requested it.
- I used to do crazy things like jumping off a 3rd story balcony to a pool on a bike. Or walking through a snake infested swamp, knee deep. When I went back to these places as a young adult I couldn't believe it. I could have died many times. Seriously.
- I have nice and expensive clothes; I usually leave them in the closet.
- I'm a dog AND a cat person.
- I'm an autodidact.
- I have a dog named Picasso.
- I believe movies should be judged on 1. story line, 2. execution 3. production quality. NOT on subject matter.
- Social Media, The Cloud, Web 2.0, are all trendy words to describe nerdy stuff. I don't like the terms but I embrace them because they serve their purpose. To classify, categorize and explain in simple terms.
- Some videos make me laugh, some make me cry, I go back to them every once in a while
- Because they inspire me, to be happy, cheer up, do more with more people.
Because they take it to "the next level"(video removed #sadface)- I had my first kid on December 6, 2012. Her name is Claire and she's awesome.
- When I think of my late grandfather I think that he would have loved the internet.
- Technology is awesome and I'm a child of the technology era and I love it.
- Ever since early High school days I've pulled all-nighters on a regular basis. It's easy for me to stay up all night and work on servers, websites or some other project.
- I hate long voicemails. If you go over 30 seconds or so, I just delete it. Seriously. Leave your name number and a brief description of your reason for calling. I will call you back, otherwise, you'll be ignored.
- I had a radio spot for almost 2 years. Yeah, like real radio. I talked about social media, technology, privacy and business online. I learned a lot and it was a great experience.
- I get grief from everyone in regards to #136. But I also read that we should let our bodies decide. I feel great before, during and after.
- We are now expecting our second kid, a boy.
- ... (leave me a comment asking for more!)
That's me through tidbits of information. Thanks for reading!
- Edited 03/17/2014 - Changed #61 My traffic is growing!
- Edited 11/21/2012 - Added a couple more, we're at 136!
- Edited 7/27/2011 - couple additions, a couple of removals & corrected some spelling mistakes.