iTunes affiliate program. Did you know they had one?

As I mentioned on a previous post, many companies have an affiliate program. This means that you have a good chance of making some extra cash if you try to use an affiliate program on your blog.
Apple has an affiliate program for iTunes content. You can sign up to be an Apple iTunes affiliate by applying here.
That means you can promote apps, music videos, Television shows, Movies and other paid content available on iTunes.
Maybe you like to review books, or movies or music. You could add some of the affiliate links about the content you review or write about. Using these links on you blog or website will pay you money when clicked on.
I've never promoted this before so I can't tell you how they have worked for me, but I just applied so I will keep you updated when I my application is approved or denied.
Something I noticed is that they seem to be active and keep you can read their page of affiliate resources. Looks like a good tool for new iTunes affiliates. You'll find link generators, banner generators and even an RSS generator.