Quick review: RubberHome / Movies and TV / Quick review: Rubber Movies and TV ByOscar Gonzalez Published on:September 23, 2011August 25, 2012 Updated on:August 25, 2012 Movies and TV Reading Time: 1 minute Strange, quirky, but can't stop watching it so far. Just rolled over the scorpion. Really I want to turn it to something different but I can't. WhatsAppShareBufferTweetPinShare
The Best Documentary You’ll Watch this Year. Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief ByOscar Gonzalez Updated onJuly 2, 2015 Reading Time: 2 minutes
Craigslist Joe Review, a Documentary for our times ByOscar Gonzalez Updated onJune 19, 2018 Reading Time: 2 minutes