Picture of Oscar Gonzalez holding The Power of Habit book

The Power of Habit Discussion

During our first discussion of The Power of Habit, we talked about the habit loop. A couple people said they read the book years ago so they had some great insights.

The biggest question I have about the habit loop as I understand it now from discussing this and from videos I've watched so far is how do you not cheat the loop?

Picture of Oscar Gonzalez holding The Power of Habit book
Let's get reading!

Setting yourself up to get a reward that you can get at any time seems ripe for self sabotage. One of the examples Charles gives during a talk is that if you wanted to exercise, try having a piece of chocolate at the end of your run as a reward.

But then I wonder, what prevents us from taking the easy route and get the piece of chocolate immediately? It's not like we have to run 3 miles to get the piece of chocolate at the end of the run.

The piece of chocolate is in your cupboard and it takes just a few steps to get it, why would you do the run. And especially if you've struggled with exercising in the first place.

This should be answered as I read the book I suppose.

Thanks everyone for coming out today, hope to see you soon and for those of you that missed the meeting, don't forget to get a copy of the book and check out the weekly progress breakdown on this previous post.

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