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WordPress Plugin to Keep Track of Time Spent Blogging – Worktime Logger

I found this cool plugin and I thought I'd share it with you. Along the same lines as using Time Doctor for your day to day activities, Post Worktime Logger for WordPress can give you a good estimation of how much time you have spent creating a blog post.

I like knowing a few blogging statistics about my blogging habits. Things like how many words I've typed using Word Count Pro, which type of grammatical errors and spelling errors I make with Grammarly, and specifically for this plugin, how much time spent actually editing a specific blog post.

It is really simple

Install it just like any other plugin. Search for Worktime Logger in your dashboard from your WordPress blog to install automatically, or go directly to the plugin's page to download and install manually.

Screenshot of the plugin installation screen and search

Once you install it and activate it, the default settings are fine for most cases.

The moment you start a new blog post and while it's being edited, the plugin keeps track in minutes and it provides you that information directly on the edit screen or in the "all posts" listing in its own column. Just make sure you do a quick save as soon as you start a blog post.

Easy to configure

If you'd like to adjust the settings, you'll find them really straightforward. Here's a screenshot of the settings available and my actual current configuration.

If you don't like the idea of the plugin tracking your time automatically, you can change the settings to manually start, stop and pause the timer as you wish.

Screenshot of the settings for the WordPress plugin Post Worktime Logger
Pretty clear settings available without overwhelming you with options.


By the way, a quick side tip. That thing I just mentioned of saving your blog post right away also helps ensure your auto-save feature in WordPress starts working right away, so you should always save your new blog posts the moment you start editing it for the first time, give a title to the blog post and click save, then go on with your work.
Even if you end up changing the blog post title later on, at least this way, WordPress will begin autosaving every few minutes or when you make major changes to the text. If you happen to lose your work or your browser crashes or your computer gets stolen, or whatever scenario you can think of where you lose access to your editing screen, you know that the latest version of your post is saved along with many checkpoints in between since you started working on it.

Current worktime on your blog post

But in the case of this plugin, what will happen is that it will show you how long you've been working on the post under the edit window. At the time of writing this sentence, this is what it said I had spent working on this blog post:

Screenshot of Post Worktime plugin in action with current work timer

All view shows in a column

And if you want to see the "all posts" view or "all pages" then you'll see the time tracked for each blog post. It looks something like this:

Screenshot for Post Worktime Logger plugin view in All Posts, or "column view"

If you install the pluginWorktime Logger right now, the plugin can't tell how much time you spent on posts created prior to the installation, although it would be cool if it could give a rough estimation based on the revisions time.

Each time you save or WordPress autosaves a post, that is timestamped, so I suppose it would be cool if this plugin could calculate that for posts created prior to its installation, but for the time being that's what it is.

Maybe the author will read this and consider that an update for a future release. Which leads me to one more thing.

A small warning the plugin hasn't been updated in a few releases of WordPress and it has a very low numbers of people using it. This could be just because it's not very well marketed or cataloged or maybe people just don't see the need for this yet. But it can also be that the author has abandoned it. I'll ask and see if the author replies.

In any case, I think it's a useful plugin to give you an idea of how much time you spent working on a blog post. This is especially important if you're writing sponsored posts or editing for multiple authors. I also checked and it works just the same with custom post types in case you need that functionality.

In Conclusion

I think this is useful and well done. Easy to install and configure, it keeps track of time spent writing a blog post or a page on a WordPress website or blog. There's one small warning about the reliability of this plugin as future releases of WordPress are made available. I also think there could be a neat feature added to the plugin in regards to the calculation of time.

But If I can pass this over to you, Do you find this plugin useful? Do you already use it and would you use it now that you know about it?

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