Work Anywhere, Profit Online — My First eBook

You know, I've helped quite a few people get their stuff together and start a business online. I've done it for people starting out and I also have helped people with existing businesses. The ultimate goal is to increase revenue.
They say that luck is when preparation meets opportunity. I take care of bringing opportunities together and teach you how to capitalize on them. Sometimes it just takes a little bit of support and encouragement, and you'll make a breakthrough. Sometimes you need to be humbled by an experience that you didn't expect.
And no matter what I always believe that you have to persevere through the toughest parts to get to the best. I have a story about that in my ebook. And I also teach a few things.
The book (free to download) is called: Work Anywhere, Profit Online. An Unusual Guide to Making Your First $100,000 Online. And it reveals secrets about Internet Marketing like nobody does.
This is how we do internet marketing. And this leads me to the next part of this post. Why I wrote the book. -- There are many reasons why I released the book so suddenly and just recently.
If you notice, my blogging here at Notagrouch and at Papidaddy pretty much ceased for the past couple of weeks. That's a huge no-no in my world.
But I have a good reason for it and that is the book. For years I've been helping people get their businesses online. I've helped them optimize their business and get more out of it.
I helped many people and realized that everything I was doing to help one person could apply to many. It's taken a while but I finally had something to show you. The book explains the differences between businesses and some of your options.
I really finished it because I had a little bit of time and some things cleared up for me while I was at Affiliate Summit West. I have more to tell you about that too!
When I came back from Affiliate Summit West 2015, ASW15 I caught a cold. Turned out to be a sinus infection and took a big toll on me. But it gave me time to write and wrap up the book.
By the time I finished it, I had written over 120 pages I think. But it was finished.
Then I asked in Facebook if some of my friends would be willing to help me review it. Five awesome friends jumped on the post and asked to see a review copy.
I just gave them access to the Google working copy and then they started working on it. Google lets you have many authors work on one document simultaneously.
It was pretty amazing so in just a few days the five of them gave it a complete overhaul. They corrected grammar, typos and helped me clarify ideas.
Four days after my friends started editing, we had a final copy. Version one. It went out to the public and I announced it. My friends turned editors freaked out a little. They had a few more pages to edit. I told them we could do it later.
I felt like O'Reilly in his infamous video gone viral. We'll do it live!
And I ran with it, while they made the final edits. The book was well received immediately. Or more than I expected. I have a decent amount of followers but even then I was very surprised.
As of the time of this writing, in just about a week, the book has been requested over 1000 times and it has been downloaded over 4000 times give or take a couple hundred. You have to account for people downloading it twice, or at work then at home.
And even as a free book I'm happy with the results. This is what I've been teaching all along and I help customers do. Create a compelling piece of content and offer it in exchange for a little bit of mindshare.
Mindshare is what I think is the key factor that most marketers miss. Mindshare is the cornerstone of branding. Mindshare is your key to their living room. Mindshare is everything.
For everyone that has downloaded the book. Even you reading this. I hope I've made at least a tiny impression in your head. I hope I taught you something or opened your eyes to something.
If you haven't read the book, that's what I hope to do. Learn a little bit. Discover how things are done and find out how you too can have a business online. It is not rocket science.
It also explains how I see the world of business and what type of business is my preferred option. People are liking it. Here are a few quotes from comments:
Carmen C. From Italy said:
"Work Anywhere, Profit Online" is a spectacular book! Useful informations for any of you involved in internet marketing, highly recommend it! I am in Oscar`s team, he is a life saver. Actually if you are thinking of starting your own business, contact the professionals, it's better to do it right from the beginning, and he is the man that can help you with anything you need. Thank you Oscar for sharing.
I think 75 pages is max any ebook should be... but OSCAR as far as content and transparency... one of the best/informative reads I've had in a long time. Im a nerd and a geek like yourself. Pure content it will blow ppl out the water. Great start!
My buddy John Chow says:
Work Anywhere, Profit Online is a fantastic book. Even with all my experience and being the author of three books in the subject of Internet Marketing, I still learned some new tricks. Oscar could easily sell their book on Clickbank for $97, and I told him so, but he chose to give it away for free. The value is off the charts. You need to get your copy before I change his mind!
So I hope you take a moment to download it. You'll see it on the front page of the blog for some time to come. It's on the right hand side. Can't miss it, just in case you can go download it here WAPO.