Blogging Recap May 2013
It's been awhile since I've done a recap and Now it's a good time to do it. Not only do I want to highlight some of the posts you might have missed, but doing a blogging recap is a good way of keeping track of what you intend to do or write about because you have to do a quick review of your previous posts. So here we go.
Posts in May
5/3 - What is Responsive Design?
A post explaining the basics of Responsive Web Design. This is the latest trend on webdesign. The post explains some of the history and explains more about it. Also you'll find some resources available for extended reading.
5/4 Facebook Bloggers Group. Come Join us!
An invitation to everyone that wants to join, to join our Facebook blogging group.
5/5 Free Transfer – Blog & Website Special for May – Amazing
On May 5, I announced a free transfer, the special offer for May. Coincidentally, This is also the current special going on at the Real Free Website.
5/5 Promoting a Blogpost #31DBBBday4
Six ways to promote your blogpost. Mostly using social media channels and social networking.
5/6 Today Claire Elise is Five Months
A short post I made about my favorite thing in the world. My daughter Claire Elise.
5/12 Happy Mother's day
Self-explanatory. Needed to mention my mother on my blog. I wouldn't be here without her.
5/12 How to Customize the Menus on your WordPress website
A simple guide to help you customize your WordPress menus. Most of this is still valid today, but the menu system underwent a redesign so a few things have changed.
5/13 John Chow and Oscar Invite you to the Home Business Summit
Another invitation to the Home Business Summit, this time John and I made a video to invite everyone that would like to join us there. Over 85 people came with us to a terrific event!
5/13 The Kicking Crab
I went to The Kicking Crab in Costa Mesa with my Wife. This is one of our favorite places. The food is great, the atmosphere is inviting and this blogpost talks more about it. I also made a video to show the food, it's the next best thing besides actually tasting the great food there.
5/13 Why Do you Hate your Own Voice in a Recording?
Ever wonder why you hate your own voice? There is a scientific explanation to it. And it happens to everyone, the only way to get over it is to, well, get over it.
5/17 How to attend Home Business Summit for free
John and I made it so that anyone that wanted to attend the Home Business Summit, could do it for free. I'm not sure if we'll do the same thing for November's Home Business Summit in San Diego, but stay tuned and I will let you know.
5/19 *UPDATE* *FOUND* – Help Me Find my Missing Dog Picasso #Tustin #NorthTustin
On 5/17 I lost my buddy Picasso. He got lost in a new place. Luckily, someone found him and kept him safe for me until the 19. It was great to find out someone had picked him up and kept him safe. The folks from Saddleback Animal Hospital in Tustin took great care of him.
5/20 What will you learn at the Home Business Summit?
Many people were wondering what exactly the Home Business Summit was about. I made this post to clarify some of the stuff that would be taught during the event. All these things and more were taught. Speakers were great, company was outstanding and networking was also great.
5/21 Free Lunch Friday is Just Around the Corner. Come join me.
As you know, I lead the Orange County chapter for Free Lunch Friday. This was an invitation to May's event. Robert Cardoza was the speaker and we had over 100 people that day.
5/21 Win a Spot in the Ultimate Entrepreneur Getaway by AppSumo
Appsumo held a giveaway for their Ultimate Entrepreneur camp and I made this post to let you know about it. Did you read it? did you join the giveaway?
5/21 The Story of our Found Dog, Picasso.

After losing Picasso for almost two days, I thought it would be good to introduce you to him. Most of my blog readers don't know him because I didn't blog a lot when I got him. He's been my faithful companion ever since I got him and this shows a glimpse into his life with me.
5/22 Affiliate Marketing Works. Here’s proof.
A post showcasing some of the income that I made in one day from affiliate marketing. As the title implies, I show you proof that affiliate marketing works. It may not be for everyone, and you could have had bad luck or a bad experience with it, but it works if you work on it.
5/23 Update on baby Claire Elise
A short post and video I made with baby Claire. She's awesome and I love her. Her little antics and personality are so unique and clever. I have to share some of the new videos we've made recently.
5/25 Confused about SEO? Get Hittail – hittail seo review
If you've ever heard of "the long tail" when it comes to keyword research, and SEO, then you know that it is important. In this blogpost I review and comment on Hittail, one of the coolest SEO tools I've ever used (and continue to use today). Check it out.
5/25 I don't know what drugs he is on, but I want some.
This TED talk is epic. Mostly because it is not a talk. It is a show and a musical performance. Later I found his name is Reggie Watts and he's all over the interwebs. He has really good funny and clever skits, music videos and even a show on Netflix. This is a great intro to his stuff.
5/26 Happy Sunday. We ask you… What is your “Why”?
Whether you are working to save the world, or striving to make money online, you must know: What is your why? That's what this post is about and it includes a video from my buddy John about the same topic. You must know what is your why, otherwise... why are you doing whatever you are doing?
5/27 Vine for Android, Where are the Alternatives?
I kinda got tired of not having access to Vine from my android device so I wrote this. Now Vine works with Android so it doesn't really matter.
5/29 Kicking Crab for Lunch. I just can’t stay away.
I really couldn't stay away and had to go back to The Kicking Crab. This time I went to the Irvine location with John and it was part of our Dot Com Lunch meeting. Or rather, our first meeting to mastermind about the Dot Com Meetup.
5/29 WordPress 10 Year Anniversary Party Video – Orange County
The Orange County WordPress crew threw an awesome party to celebrate the WordPress 10th year anniversary. This is video of the event. Good times!