Vlog 11 – MSQRD Shenannighans at Dot Com Lunch
For Vlog #11 we have brunch at home where we make some thick delicious french toast. Claire and I had to get some extra ingredients before the party got started.
As we head out to the Dot Com Lunch event, something strange started happening with our faces. You'll have to watch to find out.
During this Dot Com Lunch, I get a chance to catch up with one of our members and see what he's been up to.
As a side note on this whole vlogging thing, I must say that it is a pretty tough challenge to make a daily vlog that is interesting. There's a few that I haven't gotten around to publish already so I feel as if it's really easy to fall behind.
Doing a daily vlog, or even a daily blog is a challenge of commitment and dedication. Hopefully I can hang onto it for the duration of the 90 day challenge. If I can do that, then I'll try to continue further and do 365.

One of the things I realized early on is that I need a lot more organization in order to produce a daily video with some sort of common thread. So I created an index to help me for now and to help you find the newest videos and those that you might have missed. You can find the vlog index here.