Which Social Networks Should I Join For My Business?


This question comes up every time someone decides to join social media to help their business. Which Social Networks Should I Join For My Business? The answer is tough.

It can be different for everybody, but there are some things that apply to everybody. My opinion is sometimes unpouplar but I know I'm right. The major social networks are: Twitter, Facebook, PinterestLinkedin, YouTube, Google+, Tumblr, Instagram, not necessarily in that order, there's also Snapchat.

There are also dozens of other networks that are more focused or have a smaller user base but have a deeper reach into a specific niche. Sites like Reddit, Stumbleupon, Minds, Medium, Quora and others

So which ones should you join to help you promote your business? This video covers that.

Which one is your favorite and specifically for business, which other, let me know in the comments in the video or here on the blog.

Things are changing really fast now and as the youngest generation enters the workforce, new networks like Snapchat are becoming more and more influential. I have been spending a lot of time on Snapchat, if you want to join me there.

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