9 More Programs to Help You Monetize Your Blog
The first round-up of monetization opportunities for your blog was pretty popular. You can take a look at that previous post here and see what you missed.
But I thought I'd give you a new list of programs that piqued my interest.
Before I jump into it, I should also point out another post that you probably want to check out if you're new to the whole idea of making money with your blog. It's a collection of Q&A related to monetizing a blog. There's also a video where I give you some tips I've picked up along the way.

Let's get started, shall we? Oh! One more thing, before we get going, if you don't mind giving this a quick share on Twitter, you can do it with te link below or the quotes sprinkled throughout the article.
Another 9 Programs To Help You Monetize Your Blog (part 2). #monetize #bloggingClick To TweetHiver
This is a new company in the helpdesk arena. It is excellent for businesses because it integrates with Gmail and Google apps and instantly activates a help desk system that can be shared across the support team so that every customer interaction can be managed, assigned, shared, tagged and resolved directly from the inboxes of support personnel. This is a terrific opportunity for blogs that provide business advice, technology reviews, software as a service blogs and other related niches. Payouts are great at $200 to $400 per sign up. Sign up here.
Help businesses help themselves and make money while you're at it. #monetize #bloggingClick To TweetPure Paw Nutrition
As the pet care market grows, any blog with a pet-centric audience should take a look at these guys. I was impressed by their website which is vibrant attractive, their product seems great too. But what caught my attention is the smart use of an LTO (limited time offer). This should help with conversions significantly so if you have a dog training blog, pet related blog or anything to do with dogs, you should take a look at this affiliate program. Their cookie last 30 days and they pay 11% which is great for such a competitive space. Sign up here.
#Monetize your dog or pet blog by promoting this! #blogging Click To TweetZen and Soul
If you're into fitness, well-being, and specifically yoga, then this affiliate program is for you. They have everything you need for your yoga experience so if you have that type of audience, then this might be a great addition to your blog. The user experience on the site is good and the design is attractive so that should help with conversions if you have the target audience. Their cookie will remain for 30 days and they pay out a 20% commission on every sale! You can sign up here.
Yoga, zen, and soul. It's all gravy, baby. #monetize #bloggingClick To TweetConnex Digital Marketing
This caught my attention because it's one of the few companies I've seen offering this type of service and using affiliate marketing to promote it. This is ideal for any blog that provides online marketing information. What's more interesting is their pricing structure. They have a great price system that makes these services affordable. The payouts are a flat $100.00 per sale with a 30-day cookie which isn't' that great, but if you have enough traffic, you could make a few hundred dollars up to several thousand dollars each month just from this. Sign up here, and look for Connex Digital Marketing when you log in.
Make money on your blog by helping your readers do SEO, PPC, and more. #monetize #bloggingClick To TweetSkimlinks
Skimlinks has been around for quite a while but it's worth mentioning because it makes things easier for you to monetize your content by automatically changing links to be affiliate links. Another benefit of using Skimlinks is that you partner up with them and benefit from their volume rates. The biggest benefit by far is that you don't have to sign up for tons of different affiliate programs. Definitely worth checking out if you have a lot of content that you haven't monetized before, or if you've started a blog recently and want to save time and effort. Sign up here.
Easily #monetize content on your #blog without signing up for dozens of affiliate programs. Click To TweetLinktrackr
Linktrackr is awesome. It's a private link shortener that works like Bit.ly but you can use your own domain (or pick from one that they offer). I use it for all the links you see that start with oglink.it. The reason this is a good program to promote is because they pay a decent commission and they offer a service every blogger needs. This would be ideal for a blog that talks about blogging, online marketing, social media, influencer marketing and similar topics. Pay ranges from 30% to 50%, the cookie lasts 30 days AND there is a 2-tier program. A 2-tier program means that you get paid an additional commission from the sales generated by anybody that you refer. Sign up here.
Private link shorteners are a must for serious bloggers. #monetize #bloggingClick To TweetCreditsaint
This is a credit repair service that can fit into a financial blog, or lifestyle blog, maybe even a making money blog like mine. Their offering is to help customers fix bad credit and start building good credit and many people need this. They offer a solid $100.00 payout per sale and have a terrific 90-day cookie. Sign up here and search for Creditsaint under merchants.
Help your blog readers fix and build their credit and make money! #monetize #bloggingClick To TweetCEFA
An excellent offer for any fitness-centric blog. This program is attractive for a couple reasons. Council of Exercise Fitness and Athletics offers CEFA certification for trainers and other fitness professionals. The reason it seems like a great program is because it has brand weight by being associated with some of the top fitness brands, like 24hourfitness, Equinox and others. For you as an affiliate, the payouts are awesome at 50% and the cookie lasts forever. That's awesome! Sign up here and search for CEFA
If you have a fitness blog, you can monetize it. Looky here. #monetize #bloggingClick To TweetAfter thoughts and a couple words in closing
Some of you asked me if I gave you the proper link to some of the programs before, because you went to the Shareasale website and didn't find the program. I want to clarify that when I say "Sign up here" and then search for the name of the program, you need to be signed up and logged in with your username for the search to work. Signing up for Shareasale and most affiliate networks is free, just takes a couple of minutes.